ADAMO Enterprises

Adamo Enterprises was founded after years of working, consulting, and negotiating across multiple industries.
Our goal is to help entrepreneurs turn their own ideas and visions into successful companies by giving them capital, commercial expertise on B2B high-stakes negotiations and have them benefit from our ecosystem.
Our investments checks go from $5,000 to $150,000. Each quarter we are interested in investing up to $200,000 in 3-5 companies.
To apply for funds and support
We are constantly looking for ambitious and visionary partners with the drive and flexibility to take their company to the next level. To pitch your company for funds and support, email and detail: your mission, pitch-deck, your financial ask, attach pitch deck.
Investment philosophy
Other than supporting exceptional, world-disrupting enterprises that can achieve large market capitalisation, we retain a positive bias towards companies that can help humans thrive and be their best, which are aligned with our Homo Conscious mission: a world where humans experience less fear, anger, are less divisive and, in turn, experience more joy, cooperation and empathy towards each other, in order to create a sustainable future for humanity, which is the only beacon of conscious awareness in the known universe.
We believe this aim to be absolutely fundamental to prevent Homo Sapiens from self-extinction and we want to contribute as much as possible towards it.
Homo Conscious
Prefrontal Cortex Activation Business
Founded: 2025
London, United Kingdom; New York, United States
ADAMO Enterprises Ltd
Harwood House, 43 Harwood Road, London, England, SW6 4QP